
I-0 am currently a Sales Engineer at Looker, where we are bringing analytics to everyone. Previously, I was a Tools Product Manager and Lead Data Consultant for enterprise Workday deployments at Alight. I'm currently working from our office in San Francisco but have spent time in Blacksburg, Atlanta, Krakow, and working from the open road.

I first got excited about computing in middle school with Windows customization apps like Rainmeter and creating 2D platform games with GameMaker. I later graduated to VBA for Excel Macros and taking on SQL Server, VB.NET, Java, and PHP. I am passionate about process improvement through software and building effective tools for efficient teams.

I am a proud alumnus of Virginia Tech where I double-majored in Business IT (MIS) and Marketing Management. Last fall I began the Master of Computer Science program at Georgia Tech.

Outside of work and school, I can usually be found playing soccer, watching a Liverpool game, analyzing Premier League statistics, playing guitar, catching live music, or traveling (Instagramming).